Friday, February 5, 2010

Wedding Dance Where To Start Mount And Blade Wedding Party Dance - Start Off With Slow Song And Surprise Middle...?

Wedding party dance - start off with slow song and surprise middle...? - wedding dance where to start mount and blade

My girlfriend and I want our wedding dance party, a surprise to the public. We begin with a slow song Nice and she changed the song .. a happy, fun, so we can dance Wedding Crazy then again on the slow song at the end.

Suggestions for songs, but to do so?


Anonymous said...

we wanted to do for you, but I am relaxed and the weather was not there to do is. I went to insert Kanye's Gold Digger (not rich in everything that was a fun song for us) at the end of our first dance. They dance to Lucky Jason Mraz and Colbie Calliat and falls at the end when I start with Kanye (I thought it was so beautiful, romantic, and get nothing, "Take my money if I am in trouble .. .. Bustin, and began a motion). I received input from some friends who saw all this and encourages me to do in the middle. It seems incomplete and clumsy in the song again after a few minutes slow dance fast. But have fun, it was Time:)

Anonymous said...

everyone has the same today, but I think it is a thriller, romance bad, only dance. You Tube has a lot of the idea

Anonymous said...

we wanted to do for you, but I am relaxed and the weather was not there to do is. I went to insert Kanye's Gold Digger (not rich in everything that was a fun song for us) at the end of our first dance. They dance to Lucky Jason Mraz and Colbie Calliat and falls at the end when I start with Kanye (I thought it was so beautiful, romantic, and get nothing, "Take my money if I am in trouble .. .. Bustin, and began a motion). I received input from some friends who saw all this and encourages me to do in the middle. It seems incomplete and clumsy in the song again after a few minutes slow dance fast. But have fun, it was Time:)

Anonymous said...

= D OMG! I always wanted to see what happens at a wedding!

You know, have tons of videos on YouTube that you can look if you havn't already done so. ...


I hope you have some ideas from there!

Make sure to practice, practice, practice !!!!!!! 1

Best Wishes!


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