Monday, January 4, 2010

Frango Mints Does Anyone Know How I Can Get My Hands On The Owner Of Macy's Direct Email?

Does anyone know how I can get my hands on the owner of Macy's direct email? - frango mints

I would like to bring Frango mints. No pictures fake shit, but the real Frango mints that are sent directly with the owner, so that one can say that this is an insult that they put that shit in a box of Frango.


Nanoosh said...

Simply call the administrator of Macy 's store and ask them to give the 800-number of the company. I did it once, and he gave me. But I threw it. Legend and then ask the president, are top of the company and complain! Good luck

Jennifer M said...

I agree with Nanoosh that their fate is best to call the 800th But even if a hold of your company's private e-mail, there are several steps individuals and the procedures that must be the message even reach your computer. If it internally and managed to get to the sidelines and not thrown overboard, the Secretary would be addressed. In all honesty, acceptance, companies that do not really care what the consumer is not only what they want and the customer or store to another, who are ultimately the same.

Jennifer M said...

I agree with Nanoosh that their fate is best to call the 800th But even if a hold of your company's private e-mail, there are several steps individuals and the procedures that must be the message even reach your computer. If it internally and managed to get to the sidelines and not thrown overboard, the Secretary would be addressed. In all honesty, acceptance, companies that do not really care what the consumer is not only what they want and the customer or store to another, who are ultimately the same.

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